الباد سيكتر – Bad Sector
A bad sector is a sector on a computer’s disk drive or flash memory that is either inaccessible or unwriteable due to permanent damage, such as physical damage to the disk surface or failed flash memory transistors. Bad sectors are usually detected by a disk utility software such as CHKDSK or SCANDISK on Microsoft systems, or badblocks on Unix-like systems. When found, these programs may mark the sectors unusable (most file systems contain provisions for bad-sector marks) and the operating system skips them in the future.
If any of the files uses a sector which is marked as ‘bad sector’ by a disk utility then the bad sector of the file is remapped to a free sector and any unreadable data is lost. To avoid file corruption data recovery methods should be performed first if bad sectors are found (before being marked) by OS at file system level.
When a sector is found to be bad or unstable by the firmware of a disk controller, the disk controller remaps the logical sector to a different physical sector. In the normal operation of a hard drive, the detection and remapping of bad sectors should take place in a manner transparent to the rest of the system and in advance before data is lost. However, damage to the physical body of the hard drive does not solely affect one area of the data stored. Very often physical damages can interfere with parts of many different files.
الباد سيكتر – كيف يؤثر على عمل نظام التشغيل او الملفات الشخصيه؟
الاماكن المعطوبه او ما يسمى ب Bad Sector كيف تؤثر على سرعه عمل نظام التشغيل سواء كان ويندوز او غيره؟
وكيف يؤثر على ملفاتك الشخصيه؟ كل ذلك وأكثر في هذا الفيديو
انور الكندري – Kuwait Data Recovery
خبير استرجاع البيانات بالكويت منذ عام 1997